A club for rye whisky enthusiasts.
Ryes are complex, but we can make you a rye expert in no time. Rye Whisky Academy will take you on a spirited adventure into all things rye – from the complexities of the grain to the unique spirit itself, as well as devilishly delicious ways to enjoy it at home.
Why do we love rye so much? Rye whisky has a character which simply cannot be duplicated. We believe no other grain in the world of distillation can replicate the flavour profile and unique complexities that the rye grain imparts to whisky. And there’s only one distillery that’s been doing this exceptionally well since 1946 – Alberta Distillers Ltd. and we’re proud to work alongside them.
The home of Canadian whisky.
Our products are steeped in the same philosophy that built our distillery: the best products start with the best ingredients, and they don't need to cost a fortune. In fact, when Alberta Distillers Ltd. was built back in 1946, it was built on the belief that ranch hands deserved to drink great whisky at a great price, and we still stand by that.
So how did it all start? In 1946, three visionary men saw an opportunity to use Alberta’s abundant resources to craft the best spirits in the world. Nestled in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies, a distillery was built. A location with vast resources including proximity to power, rail, glacier-born water and endless fields of rye. Six years later, we crafted Rock Mount Whisky – the first of many 100% rye whiskies. Even at that time, Alberta Distillers Ltd. was the only distillery built to solely run on 100% rye (a grain known amongst distillers to be very challenging to work with).
We stand by the craftsmen who were daring enough to believe 100% rye whisky was worth making decades before anyone else, and bold enough to state the best grains and water in the world is right here in Alberta.